Category Archives: News

Gateway Area Pathfinding Analysis Phase 2 Study

Since adoption of their WMPs, the Lower LA River (LLAR), Lower San Gabriel River (LSGR), and Los Cerritos Channel Watershed Groups (Gateway Watershed Groups) have made significant progress designing and constructing impactful, multi-benefit stormwater capture infrastructure throughout the region (at least 20 regional projects completed, in construction, being designed, or analyzed for feasibility—totaling over $100M of funding secured for new infrastructure); however, as more projects successfully come online, the Groups identified the need to better understand how the overall system of projects functions at the watershed scale so that they can efficiently prioritize projects for Safe, Clean Water Program support. While WMPs provided a flexible, watershed- and sub watershed-scale “recipe for compliance,” the longer-term plan is coarse, leaving the Groups in need of implementation-scale details to plot out their project-by-project pathway to clean water (e.g., what additional projects are possible throughout the watersheds, which are the most strategic projects to pursue collaboratively, and in what order should they be designed and built?).  Answering these questions will enable the Gateway Watershed Groups to make more informed decisions about which projects to fund with taxpayer dollars through the Safe, Clean Water Program, support continue adaptive management of their WMPs, and help them respond to concerns from the State Water Resources Control Board regarding WMP specificity.

The first phase of this study developed the methods and test the GAP approach in a portion of each Watershed Area to demonstrate regional value over a short-term planning horizon. Phase 2 scales the approach region-wide and over a longer-term planning horizon in collaboration with the Watershed Coordinators and Gateway Watershed Groups, including targeted field visits to validate site-specific engineering feasibility assumptions. Outcomes will support the Gateway Watershed Groups as they adapt their WMPs over time and will provide the LLAR and LSGR WASCs with supplemental, objective information for consideration when programming future Stormwater Investment Plans.

This study was funded in full from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District’s Safe Clean Water Program.

Click here to access the Gateway Area Pathfinding Phase 2 Stormwater Considerations Memo

Click here to access a recording of the Gateway Area Pathfinding Virtual Workshop held October 24, 2024

Click here to access the Gateway Area Pathfinding Dashboard

Gateway Area Pathfinding (GAP) Stormwater Planning Virtual Workshop

Join us to learn about the scientific study and database created to help understand:

  • The past – showing how existing and projects under construction contribute to overall watershed goals;
  • The present – providing context to help weigh project options in Years 4 and 5 of the Safe Clean Water Program funding rounds; and
  • The future – looking at opportunities for consideration using a range of metrics to help guide project developers and decision makers to the most impactful projects and areas of the Lower San Gabriel River and Lower Los Angeles River Watershed Areas.


TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Click HERE to register.


GWMA RFQ for O&M and Evaluation of Regional Stormwater Capture and Treatment Projects; and Responses to Questions regarding the RFQ

Notice is hereby given that Statement of Qualifications will be received from firms for Operation, Maintenance, and Evaluation of Regional Stormwater Capture and Treatment Projects.

Responses to Request for Qualifications will be accepted until 5:00 PM PDT on Monday, September 16, 2024.

Request for Qualifications for Operations, Maintenance, and Evaluation of Regional Stormwater Capture and Treatment Projects

Questions and Answers Regarding the RFQ for Operations, Maintenance, and Evaluation of Regional Stormwater Capture and Treatment Projects

2023 On-Call Consultants for Professional, Technical and/or Engineering Services Board Approved List

The following is a link to the list of the 2023 On-Call Consultants for Professional, Technical and/or Engineering Services that was approved by the GWMA Board on November 9, 2023.   Continue Reading

GWMA 2023 Request for Qualifications for On-Call Professional, Technical and/or Engineering Services

GWMA is requesting Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from experienced firms to provide general consulting services, and/or engineering/technical services. Responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be accepted until Noon (12:00 PM) PST on Friday, September 8, 2023. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that any qualifications submitted have sufficient time to… Continue Reading

RFP 2023-01 Catch Basin Cleaning Invitation

GWMA is a coalition of municipalities and water agencies responsible for the regional water planning needs of 2 million people in the Gateway Region of Southeast Los Angeles County.  While current membership is 29 voting members comprised of cities and water agencies, the interests, activities and services of the GWMA expand to the entire region… Continue Reading

2023 RFP for Accounting Services & Addendum 1

The Gateway Water Management Authority “GWMA” is a coalition of municipalities and water agencies responsible for the regional water planning needs of 2 million people in the Gateway Region of Southeast Los Angeles County.  While current membership is 30 voting members comprised of cities and water agencies, the interests, activities and services of the GWMA… Continue Reading

2022 RFP for Accounting Services

The Gateway Water Management Authority “GWMA” is a coalition of municipalities and water agencies responsible for the regional water planning needs of 2 million people in the Gateway Region of Southeast Los Angeles County.  While current membership is 30 voting members comprised of cities and water agencies, the interests, activities and services of the GWMA… Continue Reading

2021 On-Call Consultants for Professional, Technical and/or Engineering Services Board Approved List

The following is a link to the list of 2021 On-Call Consultants for Professional, Technical and/or Engineering Services that was approved by the GWMA Board on March 11, 2021.   Continue Reading

GWMA 2020 RFQ for General On-Call Professional, Technical and/or Engineering Services

GWMA is requesting Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from experienced firms to provide general consulting services, and/or engineering/technical services. Responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will be accepted until Noon (12:00 PM) PST on Friday, October 30, 2020. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that any qualifications submitted have sufficient time to… Continue Reading