Gateway Area Pathfinding Analysis Phase 1 Study

In October 2020, the GWMA Board authorized staff to submit a Safe Clean Water Program (SCWP) Regional Program Scientific Study application to the Lower Los Angeles River (LLAR) and Lower San Gabriel River (LSGR) Watershed Area Steering Committees (WASCs) for the Gateway Area Pathfinding (GAP) Phase 1 Analysis. The scientific study for both WASCs were ultimately approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on September 15, 2021.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

  • Scan the landscape of the Gateway Cities region to identify the suite of known and hidden, potential project opportunities;
  • Analyze the dynamic interactions between those potential projects;
  • Determine the best project-by-project pathway (and timeline) to achieve compliance; and
  • Deliver project recommendations that are ideally suited for consideration by the WASC for Safe Clean Water infrastructure funding.

The GWMA Board approved in November 2021 to retain Craftwater Engineering to conduct the GAP Phase 1 study. The first phase of this study is final as of February 2023.

The following is the link to the technical memorandum:

Gateway Area Pathfinding Phase 1 Technical Memorandum

The following is the link to the Project GIS Interactive Dashboard:

 Gateway Area Pathfinding Project Dashboard